Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Advertising Research

Advertising research uncovers data that's needed to make advertising decisions. The type of information that a company should know before developing their advertising campaign are:

 1.  How people see its products and services 
 2.  How potential customers view the competition 
 3.  What brand or company image would be most credible 
 4.  Which ads have the best look and feel, aesthetically

Strategy Research: Helps define the product, idea or concept 

 1. Creative Concept Research: measures consumers’ responses to creative thoughts 
 2. Pretesting of ads: diagnose potential problems with communication prior to a campaign
 3. Posttesting of ads: evaluate the success and effectiveness of a campaign after it is exposed 


Twitter is a great social media tool for anyone! Business can really get some exposure or boost their sales simply by posting tweets. Believe it or not.

Modcloth.com, a vintage clothing website, has grown substantially in the last year. I personally, have purchased over 6 items in the last 6 months and participate in their twitter contests every monday.  (#fundaymonday) They engage with their followers by tweeting directly to them, being personal can do so much more for your business.

One instance that demonstrates how careful you need to be with your business is Kim Kardashian and her bling-phone. People can publish anything about your business and in-turn affect your sales. Kim Kardashian threatened a company that "blings" out phones via twitter by saying if they didn't return her phone soon enough she would expose their name.

Social media is giving itself a big name in todays generation. People are creating jobs for themselves through tweeting and making it too!

At my position in Reeve Union we promoted our Reeve Bloggers by creating a poster after a photo shoot I had with them. It was a lot of fun and I'm proud of the work we did, in turn the bloggers have had more followers now. If you've seen this poster around Reeve, I did it! :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

"Great Advertising"

What makes great advertising?

The breakdown of positions that should be held in an advertising team

                                                             > Art Director > Non Verbal Ad Design
Creative Team > Creative Director
                                                             > Copy Writer > Verbal Message

Next, you can see how the audience can take your message

1 Informational              
   Avoidance or Removal

2 Transformational                        
    Positive Reinforcement for Rewards

3 Boom
    Gets Attention NOW!

Options 1 and 3 often fail to resonate with the audience or stick with them.

All of this adds up to great advertising. If everyone does their job and properly advertising for their company or product will be effective.

GMR Marketing

In January, Marketing Manager Kate Unger arranged for a trip to visit a large marketing agency that all of us Reeve Marketing students fell in love with. GMR Marketing. Based through out the United State, Canada, Europe and Asia Pacific this super marketing agency does it all!

I was mostly blown away by their website. A client or customer can easily find out what they need to by searching their site. It's user-friendly and has a lot of content to keep the customer informed.

Also, while we were there visiting, Art Director Krista Hansen Ludwig and HR Representative Karla Barillas told us to email our resumes to them and they had great feedback.

Reeve Marketing

I work for Reeve Memorial Union as a graphic designer. On some exciting occasions we get to rebrand areas around campus or recreate their logos. Since the graphic designers office space is now moving to a much more spacious area where we can also be with our boss more often than not, we have also decided to make ourselves available as designers to student organizations rather than only inside Reeve. Harrison Bowden, another graphic designer, had created a new brand for reeve marketing. After critique and the rest of the office's opinion he had switched things up a little bit.

He used the concept of CMYK with the colors and we will hopefully be tying in Copy This's new logo to work with ours. The top version with just the RM was his first one and the version with the circles is the final.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pros and Cons to Broadcast Media

I found this site while looking through the pros and cons of broadcast media.

These SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats) analyses are great for viewing positive and negative parts to your company that are internal and external.

Your strengths and weaknesses are something that is internal to your company. It derives from you. You can control these things and make them better or worse. Opportunities and threats come from outside the company, like a competitor and satisfied or unsatisfied customers.

85% of all brand purchases are made by women. Check this out - I found it very interesting.


The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a name, symbol, term, sign or design or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.

Branding is about getting your audience to view you as the one that provides the solution to their problems.

The objects that good brand will do include:
Delivers the message straight forward
Confirms your credibility
Connects the audience
Motivates the customer
Make the users loyalty firm in you

To make it in the branding world, you need to understand the needs and wants of your customer. Do this by integrating your brand strategies through your company at all points of the public consumer.

A strong brans is as valuable to your company as you make it. It's important to spend time investing in researching, defining and building your brand. Your brand is the source of a promis to your consumer.